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His Love VS Her Lust

  Wicked Pen Publications Presents

  His Love VS Her Lust


  Angie Hayes

  Copyright 2015 Angie Hayes

  Published by:

  Wicked Pen Publications, LLC

  P.O. Box 1788

  Red Oak, GA 30272

  Publisher’s Note:

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the authors imagination, or used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locals are coincidental.

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  Wow! I want to start by saying thank you God for being so patient with me and allowing me time to find my gift you have blessed me with writing! Even though it took me 30+ years (Now y'all know a lady never reveals her age!) Lol I finally got it, so THANK YOU!!!

  On to my folks: My husband, best friend, backbone and human Teddy Ruxpin, Shavargo. I make sure I remind you everyday baby how much I love you and it doesn't stop! You are my biggest fan in everything that I do and I love you more and more each day for it. You know me so well' we can just be sitting around watching TV and suddenly I'll jump up and grab my notepad, and you'll say, “You must have an idea for another book." Lol Everything I do and accomplish I do it with you in mind, I love you baby to the moon!

  To my mother Joyce: I'm so thankful God has chosen you to bring me into this world. I have never known a stronger woman than you! I don't know what I would do if I couldn't pick up the phone and hear your voice every day. I know when it's all said and done, besides God; you will always be there for me!! I love you and will always consider you my favorite girl!

  To my publisher, closet friend Cachet: They say some of your closest friends are the ones you haven't known the longest, and you fit that description very well! 98% of the time when I pick that phone to call you, it's not always about business, but more about life. You are an incredible woman, mother and boss lady! You have a heart of gold mixed with bronze. You took your dream and shared it with me, along with your devoted friendship. I will always be forever grateful for you! Let's keep working boo!

  To my WPP family: I love being a part of such great writers! Let's keep shining together!

  My Angels: My daddy Rev. Robert Thomas, My uncles: Uncle Jr. Uncle Stewart and Uncle Bradshaw; keep watching over us, we miss you dearly!!

  To my readers: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, and THANK YOU! If I could fill the page up with appreciation for you guys I would! (But I know you all want to get into this juicy story) Lol Believe it or not my gratitude to you guys is genuine. I am so grateful for you! When I write, I give you all not only my best, but I also try to give you reality of life. Nobody wants to read about things that are inhumanly possible to happen. Keep riding with me guys because I love having you all on this journey with me!

  Throughout life, you learn that friends may turn into foes, and family may turn into people you don't recognize. What you need to also recognize that that's ok! Not everyone is meant to continue to walk certain paths in your life with you. The benefits of life are to learn from the trials, tribulations and disappointments and keep moving forward! Love, laugh and live. Until next time.

  ~Angie Hayes~


  You guys ever wonder how a person can have it all and still not be satisfied? I mean you have the career job, the wonderful and supportive husband, a beautiful child, the nice home and financial stability. Yet, you still feel like something is missing and that something is excitement. . So you decide to meet someone else in hopes of just fulfilling that void. You want to have a few fucks every now and then and go back home to the life you have with your husband and kids, but that wasn’t the case with me. A onetime thing ended up being a routine thing for me. He fucked me so good the first time that I was hooked baby! Nothing else mattered but him and me in between the sheets. This is the story of me, Sevyn Golden. Come into my world where you see how Lust can overpower Love.



  “Alright class, before the bell rings and you start your summer break I want to let you all know that you by far have been my favorite class and I will miss you.” I said to my students.

  The bell was about to ring in five minutes and school will officially be out for the summer. Thank you Jesus! I love my students and I love teaching, but sometimes other people’s kids get on my damn nerves!

  “We’re gonna miss you too Mrs. G,” my students said.

  “Ah, stop lying y’all.” I said laughing at my students.

  Just then, the bell rang and they all headed out. The majority of them gave me hugs as they exited the room while others just waved goodbye. Once the last student left the room, I closed my door and exhaled. I was so damn happy that I didn’t have to prepare any lesson plans for the next three months. I wasn’t teaching summer school this year so I had plans to just sit back and enjoy my seven year old daughter Hope and my husband Hasan. Although dealing with my daughter was no cake walk, it was better than dealing with twenty-five eighth graders.

  “Hey girl, I know your ass is ready to get your drink on now that the little monsters are gone!” Michelle said as she burst into my classroom without knocking like she damn near always does.

  “Michelle, how many times do I have to tell you to knock?”

  “Girl please, let’s go to happy hour and get a drink before you head home to Hasan and Hope.” Michelle said as she started dancing as if she was in the club all ready.

  Michelle was the drama teacher, and believe me when I say that’s the perfect job fit for her. She was always the one that had to be seen and put on a show. We met when we were attending Howard University in our African arts class and we hit it off instantly, and have been friends ever since. She’s the loud, crazy life of the party type. I’m the quiet, reserved, and I would rather read a book than party type. The difference in our personality doesn’t change the friendship that we have. It actually balances us out because sometimes Michelle can get a little too turned up and I have to be the one to bring her back down.

  Michelle was also there when I met Hasan at Howard. She was a bridesmaid at our wedding, and Godmother to our daughter. As you can see, our blood for one another runs deep.

  “I don’t know Michelle, right now I just wanna go home, take a nice hot bubble bath, and relax.” I said.

  “Come on Sevyn! You know damn well soon as you hit the door my Goddaughter is going to attack you with demands on what she wants and where she wants you to take her.”

  She was right because even though Hope was only seven years old she had the mind frame of seventeen year old. She was demanding and never wanted to be home. She always wants to go somewhere whether it is the park, the library, going to the movies to see the latest new cartoon movie that’s out, or going over to Hasan’s parent’s house so she can be spoiled religiously. There was never a dull moment with my little lady. Considering the fact that Hasan wo
rks long hours sometimes, I’m always the one doing the majority of the things with her.

  “I know but tonight Hasan is coming home early and I just want to relax. I want to get Hope settled before he gets home so we can have some nasty time.” I said licking my tongue out.

  “Now, that I don’t blame you on! You know I’m never the one to block a woman from her nut.” Michelle said laughing and giving me a high five.

  It’s a good thing she closed my classroom door behind her because I swear when that bell rings and those kids are gone, we are our crazy selves.

  “Girl you’re beyond crazy.” I said laughing.

  “Yup, and that’s why you love me. Anyways, do you remember my cousin that I told you that was working overseas?”


  “Well, he is finally coming home and we’re having a welcome home cookout for him next weekend. I would love for you, Hasan, and Hope to come.” Michelle said.

  She was always including us in her family gatherings.

  “Sure we would love to be there, but just remind me.” I said as I gathered my things and got ready to head out the door.

  “You know I will. Well, I see your mind is already made up about not coming with me to get a drink. You go home and be boring as always. I guess I’ll head over to happy hour for the both of us and pick up my dinner on the way home.” Michelle said grinning.

  I knew exactly what she meant by that and she definitely wasn’t talking about food. Michelle was single and had no problem getting her rocks off.

  “I’ll be glad when you settle down.” I said to her while shaking my head and laughing as we headed out the door to the parking lot.

  “Sorry boo, I left the whole happily ever after and picket white fence to yo’ ass. I’m good!”

  “Whatever…Be safe and call me tomorrow girl.”

  “I will now bye chica,” Michelle said as we gave each other a kiss on the cheek and went our separate ways.

  As I was driving home I thought back to what Michelle had said about me being boring. It made me think back to the days before I met and married Hasan. I was the chick that lived carefree and did the happy hours, clubs, and frequented men I wanted to fuck. Once I met Hasan, he was everything I could ever dream of as a man. He was majoring in engineering and he was very focused and driven. That’s what made me to love him even more.

  Hasan use to always say that when he gets married, his gift to his wife will be a house built from the ground up. I wanted one that he designed, and that’s exactly what I got. I love my husband and the life that he has built for us. Sometimes I feel like he’s too good for me; especially with the thoughts and fantasies that I’m always having about other men.



  “These designs are horrible. This is not what the client envisioned so I refuse to present this. Take these back to the drawing board.” I sighed in frustration as I handed the designs back to the intern.

  I had been at work since 6:00 a.m., it was now 4:30 p.m., and I wanted nothing more than to go home to my girls. I could already tell that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. I ran my own architect company where I design buildings from contracts I get from the State of Washington. I worked very hard to get where I’m at and I work even harder to stay here. I’m truly blessed, so for the past three years I have picked two interns from the engineering program at my Alma matar, Howard University, and I let them work for me during the summer. If they make the cut, I hire them on permanently with salary and benefits. Right now, I have a contract to design an office building downtown. I decided to test out one of my intern’s skills by letting him draw a sample design of the building.

  I was hoping that it would be impressive so I could let him work with me on the project and take some of the load off of me. From what I’ve seen so far, it was nowhere near the way I wanted it. It looks like I’ll be working late again. I hated to call Sevyn and let her know because it was starting to feel like a routine for me. I know she’s going to be pissed. I have been getting home later and later these past few weeks because of work. I can see the frustration on her face every time I walk through the door. She tries to hide it but a real man knows his wife.

  She doesn’t complain. My wife is a strong, beautiful, intelligent woman and she is a great mother to our daughter. Every time I see her care for Hope, I fall in love with her a little bit more. I knew she was the one the first time I saw her walking across Howard’s campus with her books in her arms and a beautiful smile spread across her face. She is why I work so hard. I do this for my family. I do this to make sure they never want or need anything. I hate to disappoint Sevyn tonight by telling her I’ll be home late, but I’ve gotta do what I gotta do.



  I was sitting at the island in my kitchen having myself a glass of wine. Hasan called and told me that yet again he’s going to be late getting home. I was really hoping he wouldn’t pull this damn stunt tonight. I dropped Hope off to his parent’s house so he and I can have some alone time. I knew the idea of him coming home at a decent hour was too good to be true. I’m so sick and tired of feeling alone and having to be understanding about his work. Don’t get me wrong because I love my family, but I would not have thought in a million years that I would be the settle down type.

  I was always the get up and go and do what the hell I want type of woman. My college years were the best years in my life until I decided to settle down with Hasan. I remember when I finally made that decision to be a one man’s woman.

  “So who’s taking you out and spending their money tonight?” Michelle asked.

  It was Friday night and we were in our apartment that we shared together off campus. We were trying to see what we were getting into this weekend. It was our senior year in college and we wanted to make sure we went out with a bang. We always found something or someone to get into.

  “I’m going out with Hasan again.” I answered while polishing my toes.

  “Damn girl, this is like a month straight that you have been going out with only him. Are we catching feelings?” Michelle asked smiling.

  “I’m feeling Hasan. He’s different and I like that.” I answered as I blushing hard as hell.

  Hasan was the complete opposite of what I was used to dealing with. He had a nice face and an average body. I’m use to dating guys that were very easy on the eyes. They lived in the gym and had a body to die for. Hasan’s mannerism, his drive for hard work, and his heart overpowered all that. When he first approached me, I told him I wasn’t interested, and that I only wanted to focus on my studies because I would be graduating soon. That was a damn lie.

  I did my work and went to class but outside of class, I made time for whatever I felt deserved it. By looking at Hasan I felt he wasn’t worth it, at least looks wise. He smiled at me and told me not to miss out on a good thing, and then he walked off. That right there caught my interest. I ended up running back into him in the student hall building two weeks later. It was there that I finally gave him my phone number and we have been rocking ever since.

  “Yeah he is different from what I’m used to seeing you with, but he’s still cool with me.” Michelle said.

  “I think I’m starting to like different. I didn’t realize that until I started kicking it with Hasan, especially given the way he treats me. Even though I have other potentials, I know I’m not the only chick they are fucking with. With Hasan I don’t even think like that. He gives me his undivided attention, even when we’re not around one another.” I explained to Michelle.

  “Ok, so what about Ethan. You and him have been back and forth with one another for the last two years. What are you gonna do about him?” Michelle asked.

  Ethan was a dude that played point guard on our basketball team. He was fine as hell and could lay the pipe, but he was also a bonafide hoe. Even though we have been back and forth with each other for the last two years, we never made anything official. It was mainly because Ethan knew he
couldn’t stay committed to one chick with all the pussy that was being thrown at him. We both took it for what it was and enjoyed fucking one another whenever we felt the need. Lately, Ethan has been on the back burner due to Hasan.

  “What about him? Ethan has his own set of hoes to worry about and besides we’re just friends with benefits.”

  “I know that but he’s going to be pissed when he finds out that his benefits card is being revoked.” Michelle said while laughing.

  I started laughing with her crazy ass. At this point, I could care less. I’ll be the first to admit that Hasan had me wide open and nothing else mattered. Hasan took me to the state fair and we had a fun time. It was that night that he told me that after graduation he had plans on opening up his own architect firm and have his work known out there. He also told me that I was going be his wife and share his dream.

  Right after graduation Hasan proposed to me and we got married four months later. We were so in love that we didn’t want to wait. I was newly pregnant so my life seemed perfect. Here we are eight years later and I’m already feeling like the flame in my marriage is fanning out. I stopped daydreaming about the past and decided to just call it a night. I went upstairs to run me a hot bath. I poured in my Eco Pure relaxing bath gel so I could soak in the tub. Hopefully things will liven up because at the rate this is going I shouldn’t have to feel this lonely and still be married.



  “Ooh right there daddy!” I said as I grabbed ahold of Patrick’s head while he was twisting his tongue inside my pussy.

  He knew that drove me crazy and made me cum hard. Just as I was about to cum, he quickly replaced his tongue with his nine inch pole and started digging deep inside my pussy. I was so hot and wet that all you heard were the sounds of my juices gushing out. Moments later, we both came hard together. We both laid there catching our breath and enjoying the moment when his cell phone started to ring again. Since he’s been here tonight his phone has been ringing nonstop, and I knew exactly who it was.